Ah, the summer, the season of discovery, of carefree youth and all round having a good time, celebrating the joys of being alive, looking back on heartbreaks and what truly creates lasting memories for us all and this is very much what Sucia Rosa successfully bring together with their latest album, “Endless Summer.” From the vibrant kick-off point that is “Run And Hide” to the more melancholy, reflective conclusive track “Endless Summer Nights”, the Missouri based unit provides the perfect soundtrack worthy of any great coming of age road trip. The soothing yet oneiric tones of front-man Chris Chiarino takes the listener on a magical journey that we can all relate to, from the highest highs of euphoric elation (“Perfect Day”) to reminding us that even a wondrous time like the summer can have its down and darker moments (“Go Through Hell”). In truth what our band has been able to do is bottle up the human experience seen through the kaleidoscopic bright hues of 20 scintillating songs that will stay with you long after summer gives way to its colder seasonal siblings. So whether you are looking to fully embrace the feel of such a unique time of year or are looking to recapture what it felt like way back when, Sucia Rosa have the motor running and are ready to take you where you want to go, destination the open road of “Endless Summer”! ( Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni)