Sam Outlaw Kicks Off UK Tour in London; New Song ‘Lonely Man’ Out Now

Award-winning U.S. singer-songwriter Sam Outlaw celebrated his return to the UK with the release of a brand new song, ‘Lonely Man’, released at midnight and available now. Kicking off the headline tour last night  for a packed crowd in London, his first time in the city since 2019, Sam said: “I was so completely blown away [...]

SURRENDER HILL “Just Another Honky Tonk In A Quiet Western Town”

Sono al quarto disco e la coppia formata da Robin Dean Salmon, musicista sudafricano da molti anni residente negli Stati Uniti e la compagna Afton Seekins, ottima vocalist, firma il loro lavoro più importante per ambizione letteraria e per saper interpretare al meglio le varie anime della country music, legandola alla tradizione folk e [...]

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