TRACK DOGS “Where To Now?”

Da una quindicina di anni assieme, gli irlandesi Garrett Wall e Dave Mooney, rispettivamente a chitarre, piano ed ukulele e a basso e mandolino, l’americano Robbie K. Jones a banjo e percussioni e l’inglese Howard Brown a tromba e flicorno, condividono la passione per i suoni roots che prendono spunto da country e folk, [...]

Cole Swindell – Stereotype (Warner) April 8, 2022

Cole Swindell releases his fourth studio album. The release contains his 10th career, multi-week number one "Single Saturday Night," and his current single, "Never Say Never" with Lainey Wilson. Stereotype Track Listing: 1. Stereotype Cole Swindell, Michael Hardy, Jordan Schmidt 2. Every Beer Cole Swindell, Michael Hardy, Jordan Schmidt 3. Never Say Never (with Lainey [...]

DARIANN LEIGH new Single: Leave

Dariann is infatuating; all things to all people. She is effervescent yet reserved,accessible and unobtainable, red carpet glam and camo in a tree stand. Combiningbig city beauty with small town humility, Dariann may take on many appearances, butone thing is for sure – she is resilient and wholeheartedly herself, making her a rolemodel for [...]

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