Originally from Missouri, but musically raised between New York and Los Angeles, Brett Arthur Rigby offers a pleasantly new traditional country music sound inspired by the early ’90s, when this musical genre was in its heyday. The self titled Cd is divided into 14 tracks, plus a bonus track, (Lucky S.O.B. bonus cut), ranging from famous covers to original tracks. “Brett Arthur Rigby” is most certainly a great album, thanks above all to the voice of the protagonist, very “country”, and to the sounds of the B.A.R. Band, a group of talented musicians (James Presley, Denny Mishler John Wedemeyer, Bill Pearce, Rick Champion Donnie Castleman, Mike Zerbe, Mike Tucker and Anthony Raya), who contribute decisively to making the Cd compact, solid and harmonious. Amongst the 15 tracks, stand out “Out On A Boot”, in pure Garth Brooks style, the classic “The Auctioneer”, sung at a crazy speed, the sweet “I’m Coming Home”, “Rabbit’s Got The Gun”, with an overwhelming rhythm and finally “Bad Love” (my favourite), perfect for the radio. In conclusion, if you love good country music, I recommend this Cd. Info / copies https://www.vegasbrett.com/
(Gianluca Sitta)