Straight out of Pelican State, Louisiana, comes one of country music’s strongest traditional paladins. Having dazzled and amazed listeners and critics at large, Dennis Ledbetter delivers yet another jewel in the country music crown : “It Might Be The Whiskey”. Sporting 4 tracks of pure Southern goodness, Dennis’ warm soulful twang is bound to strike more than just a chord with classic country fans in search of that old time feeling that only music like Mr Ledbetter’s can provide. Special mention for “That Ain’t Country” which is bound to become a favourite among those whom Nashville has left disenfranchised and bereft of a traditional hero to rally behind and an anthem through which to vent their frustration. Ladies and gents, Dennis is your William Wallace and with “It Might be The Whiskey” you will certainly see that country music flag fly ever higher in your soul. (Nik Bernitz Pizzigoni)